DIY Loft Bed – this fun bed makes for a great family DIY project.
Loft beds are excellent for saving room, creating additional storage space, and of course – playing under! This full-size bed (77.5” L x 51” W 6’ H) is a great asset for living spaces and families of all kinds.
Need to utilize some vertical space? Need space for books, or an entertainment center? Well, that’s what this bed is made for.
The best part - you can build this bed ‘onsite’ yourself, without trying to carry a premade one up the stairs. The lumber is lightweight and sturdy, and the build process itself doesn’t require serious woodworking expertise to accomplish.
And of course, the choice of wood, materials, and hardware is up to you – which is one of the joys of any DIY project.
Ideal for: tiny homes, apartments, families, study rooms, playrooms, storage, and more.
Ready to build your own? Great! Just check out the DIY build guide and diagrams below to get started.
A note before starting -
Please understand - the below diagrams are genuinely and carefully designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, or products to use. These truly are “DIY” designs.
As such – a significant portion of the build-process will be up to you, the builder. So please know, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to assemble any of our designs! If you need to depart from the instructions, or rearrange things along the way, feel free to.
The only thing we ask: please be safe! And of course, there’s no shame in asking an expert for help or seeking guidance from your local professionals at any time.
And please: enjoy the process!
Step 1
The structure. You’ll need a solid frame for your bed.
First, use the diagram above to gather the lumber you’ll need for this step.
Then, you’ll want to assemble your horizontal bed frame (as seen above).
Once this is done, you’ll probably need to measure and mark you vertical supports, so that you know exactly where to attach them to the horizontal frame.
Then, connect all your vertical legs to the frame of your bed, using the diagrams as a reference.
Step 2
The lumber “grill.” It’s time to install the surface of your bed.
For this step, you’ll want to attach the 1x6” lumber around the outsides of your bed frame, as pictured above.
Step 3
Up next: the side rails.
For this step, simply attach the side rails to the outside edges of the frame in the appropriate places.
To make this easier, it might be helpful to measure and mark the outsides of your frame at the appropriate heights for each railing first.
Step 4
Almost done! All you need is a ladder.
First, build your ladder. Mark the vertical lumber pieces at the appropriate heights for each ladder rung, and then attach each rung.
Finally, attach your ladder to your new bed frame.
And that’s it! Congratulations.
You’re now the proud owner of a DIY loft bed.
Happy napping!